#> Access and use of data in the CAX databases requires acceptance of the terms of use: rcax_termsofuse().
The datasets available in CAX along with their descriptions are:
name | description |
SuperPopulations | Multiple Population group reference |
XPortCA_PNI | |
EscData4GIS | Denormalized EscData |
HatcheryReleases | |
XPortCA_PresmoltAbundance_01 | |
HatcheryProgram | |
CombinedHatcheryData | |
HatcheryReturns | |
XPortCA_HatcheryReturns | |
Reference | |
HatchRetMain4GIS | |
PNI | Proportionate Natural Influence of supplementation hatcheries |
RperS | Recruits Per Spawner |
SuperCodeStreams | |
TrendXTrendGroup | |
NOSA | Natural Origin Spawner Abundance |
XPortCA_PNI_01 | |
APITestTable | Table used for people to do general API programming tests. |
SAR_Hatchery | |
XPortCA_JuvenileOutmigrants_01 | |
Trends4GIS_production_tbl | Trends production table |
XPortCA_HatcheryReleases | |
XPortCA_SAR_01 | |
Trends4GIS | Denormailized Trends |
TrendGroup | |
JuvenileOutmigrantsDetail | Juvenile Outmigrants Details |
XPortCA_RperS_01 | |
HatchRetDetail | |
PresmoltAbundance | Presmolt Abundance |
HatcheryStock | |
Age | |
XPortCA_NOSA | |
ReferenceDataFromLibrary | Reference table fields the Library updates. Passes through here, updates Reference table via trigger. |
PopulationGoals | |
HatchDisposition4GIS | |
HatchRetDetail4GIS | |
SAR | Smolt to Adult Ratios |
PopulationMeans | |
HatchDisposition | |
zwq_FieldDefinitions | Field definitions for query systems. |
BroodstockSpawning | |
XPortCA_NOSA_01 | |
Trend | Trends |
DataStatus_AllCApopulationsView4Mapper_Test_01 | |
SuperReference | |
XPortCA_SAR_Hatchery | |
EscData | |
Populations | Populations reference |
XPortCA_BroodstockSpawning | |
LocMaster | |
JuvenileOutmigrants | Juvenile Outmigrants |
HatchRetMain |
The table ids for these are
The tables available in CAX along with their descriptions are:
name | id |
SuperPopulations | 009A08FE-6479-44FC-9B6F-01C55E2C8BA3 |
XPortCA_PNI | 0474CE96-789B-4E16-8FD5-05C431E5034A |
EscData4GIS | 0603946B-84FF-450D-8F3E-C2513517126D |
HatcheryReleases | 080DDAA3-E315-4CF3-BD24-EFD6AD1DB6CB |
XPortCA_PresmoltAbundance_01 | 086448AE-4F1F-4FE1-B794-6CC4FB0C451F |
HatcheryProgram | 0934C3BD-092D-4ED9-BDD7-3C5AF72C1E07 |
CombinedHatcheryData | 0B55EEC2-6C26-4347-8D93-5A453C760FBB |
HatcheryReturns | 1BA8B1E1-526B-4226-9F92-D609AE9C0ACF |
XPortCA_HatcheryReturns | 1D410C1F-6505-4606-9AEE-B9EC288A2155 |
Reference | 1FB86FDA-2DC0-4FCD-9B7F-E37C0C57114F |
HatchRetMain4GIS | 26F6E3E9-E5C8-40FF-9AEC-B7F8500F1A44 |
PNI | 35F33AE9-75A1-473B-9236-C9AA170B3B26 |
RperS | 3613A357-258C-4615-927F-EB368C61E13E |
SuperCodeStreams | 3D7A9003-FA48-4784-9C70-10A92C008806 |
TrendXTrendGroup | 4091E538-4EEE-49E3-95B1-C4A8A73BF935 |
NOSA | 4EF09E86-2AA8-4C98-A983-A272C2C2C7E3 |
XPortCA_PNI_01 | 5294D540-CE95-4C21-AA2C-D54E8ADEA4D0 |
APITestTable | 53942272-0DF8-4D9E-9022-2B6887E394B1 |
SAR_Hatchery | 58B546D0-11B0-4065-8F78-DF374B59FCF8 |
XPortCA_JuvenileOutmigrants_01 | 58E2EB02-8AB9-48E7-9DDC-8F2BAB1F836C |
Trends4GIS_production_tbl | 58EF6700-185F-421B-BBDB-8CAADE8B1FC7 |
XPortCA_HatcheryReleases | 6013AF94-1DB8-46E8-87C6-9CE30DF42C13 |
XPortCA_SAR_01 | 70D50973-59A4-465D-A866-E2417270505F |
Trends4GIS | 71068627-A61A-4FD6-B2D5-09137BC2D6D7 |
TrendGroup | 772CB6E6-9862-4B3E-8F8A-19305DECB34B |
JuvenileOutmigrantsDetail | 794B993E-24FC-4F5E-AD97-1D8EC50A771D |
XPortCA_RperS_01 | 7BC85C04-F8B3-403D-9764-3393943D0374 |
HatchRetDetail | 8036D32B-80E2-4185-BFB2-DFDAE2E530F6 |
PresmoltAbundance | 83ADDC39-10E3-4048-9383-4B5D50713CD3 |
HatcheryStock | 8664AA25-034B-4BC9-AAA3-FC5AD454F2CD |
Age | 8784E78E-3251-49DD-B026-5663C373908A |
XPortCA_NOSA | 87E3686B-B73E-4489-BBB8-582A07EBDE37 |
ReferenceDataFromLibrary | 8D55CCC1-38A4-421D-B90A-37E285E08D0E |
PopulationGoals | 9FC89AB8-7D36-479A-BCF3-F4B369BF4F16 |
HatchDisposition4GIS | A699848F-4FD5-4126-8CAF-A494A806D570 |
HatchRetDetail4GIS | AEF662D2-2E2C-4DE1-8502-C9C8D4F3FB7D |
SAR | AF05E51B-6123-44A4-AEC5-FB11C006713E |
PopulationMeans | B7DA2570-F905-44BB-9E83-8B6B97B97DB9 |
HatchDisposition | BC1821C1-C867-478D-9A15-B66F3281E739 |
zwq_FieldDefinitions | BD0C3244-B688-4C3E-BE18-21AF0E9E5FCB |
BroodstockSpawning | C5B62F91-494E-4A1D-9B60-41D8B97F6FF7 |
XPortCA_NOSA_01 | CA52102E-EBCE-4936-9CAB-8109027C1476 |
Trend | CB99265A-57D0-4BCC-A1D6-853B58447C19 |
DataStatus_AllCApopulationsView4Mapper_Test_01 | d0d6aebd-7ffb-4800-a04e-2647cb516aa3 |
SuperReference | D89B4158-4A3E-4309-9D05-49DACACD2556 |
XPortCA_SAR_Hatchery | E00310CF-2491-49A1-8600-5095B8FD5AC2 |
EscData | F11B5228-F716-487B-807D-0DD04B96EEB8 |
Populations | F37C744F-E1FC-46D7-A8DB-0AB6337A4024 |
XPortCA_BroodstockSpawning | F795E649-B236-4B45-9EEE-BB0410C5C475 |
LocMaster | FB0D82E4-116A-47CD-A48B-7619CE3EE69C |
JuvenileOutmigrants | FC15C9B4-3677-41B2-A083-44CB6858F4FC |
HatchRetMain | FE87FBCF-48AD-4A73-BE06-52878E4BAD0D |